Welcome to

Project Sit Down

The World’s Bench-Sitting Headquarters

Weathered wooden bench in the western hills of Auckland, New Zealand
  • "Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us. We need hours of aimless wandering or spates of time sitting on park benches, observing the mysterious world of ants and the canopy of treetops."

    Maya Angelou

About the Project

Welcome to Project Sit Down! My name is Eli Dunn. For the last two years, I have traveled through 16 countries, sitting on and documenting benches wherever I go.

The more I sit down on benches, the more I realize the power that they hold. In today's fast-paced and digital world filled with deadlines, and distractions, I believe that an ordinary public bench offers the perfect antidote. Sitting on benches can bring balance to our lives. While on the outside, the average bench may only look like a few pieces of wood nailed together, they have a much deeper significance. Benches are a blank canvas in which people can pause, reflect, connect, and embrace simplicity.

This project is built around these ideologies. Its goal is to build a global bench-sitting community that fosters self-love, human connection, and appreciation for the world.

Website Guide

Browse an extensive collection of benches and their stories from around the world.

Take a deeper dive into the wonderful world of benches

Check out our steezy collection of bench merch.

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